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CHEX earns you real yield from Real World Asset issuance and trading fees on the Chintai Network blockchain
CHEX is the Chintai RWA blockchain utility and DeFi gatewaytoken

Web3 Utility

TradFi/DeFi Gateway

Multi-chain Distribution


Chintai tokenizes, distributes and trades all Real World Assets across multiple jurisdictions

Chintai is the first regulated Real World Asset (RWA) financial institution with a token: CHEX.  Chintai acquired both Capital Markets Services (CMS) and Registered Market Operator (RMO) licenses in 2022 from the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS). A third custodial extension to the CMS license is pending. United States broker-dealer ATS licensure is in place through RWA tokenization partnerships with Baird Augustine and Allo.xyz.  An existing license to operate in British Virgin Islands (BVI) is being replaced by a new VASP license that is pending final approval.
This licensure allows Chintai to efficiently issue security tokens in primary markets and subsequently trade RWA in secondary markets under full regulatory compliance in multiple key jurisdictions, offering an ever-expanding distribution network in a burgeoning marketplace projected to be US$28 trillion by 2030.

Say hello to the premier ICO v2 and AMM trading platform for all security tokens, including pre-IPO shares like SpaceX.

CHEX At A Glance

CHEX powers Chintai’s permissioned L1 blockchain for RWA tokenization, issuance and trading.  CHEX is the heart of the platform.  It's a required resource to execute all transactions, compliance monitoring, account maintenance and dynamic fee conversions, powering a blockchain that reaches finality in a half-second while processing 8,000 transactions per second (TPS), setting a new standard for speed and efficiency in digital finance.

Powers All Transactions

CHEX is the Chintai Network blockchain utility token that resources all transactions.  The entire RWA platform runs on-chain and CHEX is required to power all activities, including RWA issuance, trading and account maintenance, activities occurring directly in Chintai Nexus and indirectly with several clients using Chintai's full RWA lifecycle white label services.


Stake for Real Yield & Airdrops

Staking CHEX earns real yield from a vibrant RWA ecosystem where rewards derive from all blockchain activities: token issuance, trading and maintenance, with anticipated Total Value Issued (TVI) in the billions of USD by 2025.  Issuers can optionally airdrop related tokens with a lockup period to CHEX stakers. CHEX tokenomics offer stakers significant passive income by contributing to platform liquidity and stability.

CHEX is a multi-chain RWA token linking ETH, SOL, BSC and EOS blockchain communities

Web3 Multi-Chain Utility

CHEX is a Web3 multi-chain powerhouse, boasting built-in bridges to Ethereum, Solana, Base, Binance Smart Chain and EOS for cross-chain tokenized asset distribution, a gateway for interoperability with traditional finance including fiat ramps, broad liquidity and investor access across several blockchain communities, exposing investors to a diverse RWA secondary marketplace while enhancing liquidity throughout Chintai's distribution network.

CHEX is deflationary with RWA activity-based buyback and burn

Fully Distributed  & Deflationary

998.8M CHEX tokens are fully distributed with no locks, no vesting, also deflationary to ensure long-term value through activity-based buyback and burn, reducing supply over time, potentially increasing token value, increasing participation in the platform and ensuring its growth and long-term success.

Chintai Partners, Collaborators & Clients

For the past five years, Chintai has collaborated, partnered and signed client agreements with some of the world’s largest financial institutions.  David Packham, Chintai CEO, explains:

We actively collaborate and work closely with Asset Managers, Family Office and Entrepreneurs to drive this transformative movement forward.  Together, we are co-creating highly customizable white-label solutions that empower our clients to explore the digital asset space confidently.

Collaboration means public confirmation that discussions have been held; partnership means public confirmation that an agreement with another business exists to work together; client means a tokenization agreement is in place with a position in Chintai's issuance pipeline.
Chintai recently disclosed RWA white label partnerships with Baird Augustine and Allo.xyz to leverage Broker-Dealer ATS licensure for tokenizing and trading RWA in the United States. Chintai noted its partnerships with Ernst & Young, DBS and Passion Venture Capital. David Packham also announced a partnership with Coinbase to distribute RWA issued by Chintai to Coinbase accredited and institutional customers on Base. David Packham confirmed a joint marketing partnership with Ernst & Young including ongoing joint VIP sessions.​

Chintai’s Chief Growth Officer confirmed early stage RWA collaboration with J.P. Morgan. David Packham confirmed RWA collaboration with BlackrockVanguardSS&C and Northern Trust  during a recent Benzinga interview, as discussed at time point 1:23:07.  David Packham also  discussed Blackrock collaboration during the same Benzinga interview at time point 1:08:50.​ Chintai has also collaborated with Goldman Sachs, Standard CharteredInteractive Brokers, GAM Investments, Hywin Financial Holding Group and The Ascent Group.  Additional collaboration with several sovereign funds, exchanges, private banks and asset managers has occurred, including LGT Private BankingUBP — Union Bancaire PrivéeAzimut GroupTemasek  and Northern Trust, plus another recent event with SchrodersHSBC and PhillipCapital​​.​​


Some clients in Chintai's isuance pipeline have been publicly identified, with dozens more operating under non-disclosure agreements:
US$150 to US$300 million TVI by the end of Q4, 2024
US$2 billion TVI by the end of Q1, 2025

Where To Buy CHEX

CHEX serves multiple roles as Chintai's blockchain utility token. CHEX is required to power all transactions. It is a gateway token for liquidity between decentralized (DeFi) and traditional (TradFi) financial networks. Its multi-chain design attracts liquidity and investors from several blockchain communities including:


  • Ethereum (ETH)

  • Base

  • Solana (SOL)

  • Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

  • EOS Network


CHEX is available on these centralized exchanges (CEX):



CHEX is available on several decentralized exchanges (DEX) across five public blockchains:







Binance Smart Chain​


EOS Network

CHEX is alive in the Ethereum Ecosystem


Emphasis is on the CHEX ERC20 token with deep ETH liquidity


Contract 0x9Ce84F6A69986a83d92C324df10bC8E64771030f


Uniswap (CHEX/ETH)


SushiSwap (CHEX/WETH)


CHEX is alive in the Solana Ecosystem


Bridged to Solana on 3-March-2024 to establish liquidity


Contract 6dKCoWjpj5MFU5gWDEFdpUUeBasBLK3wLEwhUzQPAa1e

Market ID D8JjVpFdXjFvHmsX7LyFy8iHXEqzhbQo576Rt8rZkyiq


Raydium (CHEX/SOL)

Jupiter (CHEX/SOL)



Suggested Solana Wallet: Phantom



CHEX is alive in the Binance Smart Chain Ecosystem


Contract 0x9Ce84F6A69986a83d92C324df10bC8E64771030f


Pancakeswap (CHEX/WBNB)


CHEX is alive in the EOS Ecosystem


Newdex (CHEX/EOS)

Defibox (CHEX/EOS)


Chintai Nexus
By Entrepreneurs for Entrepreneurs

Chintai Nexus is the place to tokenize, issue and trade RWA
Chintai Nexus is Chintai’s reusable RWA tokenization, issuance and trading application used by:
  • Financial institutions for RWA tokenization and primary market issuance, all assets in any class including securities
  • Retail, accredited, expert and institutional investors to trade RWA in secondary markets, democratizing investor access more than ever before
Nexus also fulfills a longstanding need to gateway between decentralized (DeFi) and traditional finance (TradFi), ramping fiat to/from banking institutions, bridging crypto liquidity across several blockchain communities including ETH, Base, SOL, BSC and EOS.
Nexus represents Chintai’s commitment to democratize investor access to traditionally private, illiquid investments, expanding RWA access to retail investors more than ever before. Investors can evaluate and trade RWA to diversify their investment portfolio. Liquidity providers can stake CHEX for passive income.

Ultimately, investors will make Nexus their primary, permanent investment platform, investing and trading multiple RWA asset classes including crypto, with access to pre-IPO security tokens like SpaceX and OpenAI, bridging CHEX between multiple blockchains and ramping fiat to several banking institutions — long term investors managing their assets through bull and bear markets.
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